Sustainability at Omnisoft Systems

Progress with Purpose

We believe sustainability and our growth aspirations are closely tied with our core purpose and values of responsible business conduct. Our unique business model of creating formal employment opportunities at scale continues to positively impact society.

Our Philosophy

We are deeply committed to our responsibilities towards our stakeholders, society and the environment, and recognise these as being integral to our core business. Our values-led governance puts us at the forefront of our industry in labour-related reform and practices, making us the partner of choice for ethical businesses. We strive for excellence and enhanced accountability across our global operations by placing ESG at the centre of our business.

Our ESG priorities are organized under four pillars or focus areas. These focus areas align with our purpose and provide a rationalized approach to manage our sustainability commitments and contribution towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We have set goals and targets for under each focus area and we track our progress using measurable and meaningful metrics on a regular basis.

We endeavour to create a positive difference to all our stakeholders - our Customers, Investors, Business Partners, Suppliers, Employees and the Community, through our ESG philosophy, priorities and accompanying initiatives.

Focus Areas

As our principal ESG focus area, we are committed to be a people-centric company and continue to make strong progress towards our long term goals. We made significant progress last year with achievements of having 140k employees (33%) in FY22 from outside Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities in India, to major successes of having enabled over 90k employees hired in FY22 to enjoy first-time social security benefits.
  • A diverse workforce: 17% of associates and 29% of core employees are women
  • Promoting inclusivity: Hired 4,800+ specially abled associates
  • Nurturing work environment: Ranked Top 100 in Great Place to Work for India in FY22
  • We are listening: 83% of 110,000 respondents rated high on the satisfaction survey
Our responsibility extends beyond our organisational boundaries to our customers, vendors, and the communities that we operate in, and we are committed to building strong relationships with the community around us through our services and initiatives. Our CSR initiatives spread across 5 programs in multiple states are structured for student enrichment, school enrichment, teacher mentoring, and health and well-being.
  • Community education: 13,500+ beneficiaries from the school enhancement programs
  • Community health: 13,000+ beneficiaries from the health and wellness programs
  • ESG beyond boundaries: 100% ESG compliant new vendors by 2025
The need to address climate change is a major global concern that requires the focus and action of businesses. Even though Omnisoft Systems is a low carbon-intensive business, we are mindful of our carbon footprint and we plan to consistently reduce our carbon emission intensity. We have made this an organisational priority and have implemented measures to reduce our carbon footprint by making our operating facilities greener. We’ve increased focus on recycling and responsible waste management. In FY22, we disposed of 10,650+ kgs of e-waste responsibly and shredded and recycled 10,297+ kgs of paper waste.
  • Environmentally positive: Over a million devices repaired/refurbished by QDigi
  • Responsible waste management: 10,650+ kgs e-waste responsibility disposed and 10,297+ kgs paper waste recycled
  • Responsible procurement: Towards 100% usage of recycled paper
  • Carbon footprint: Detailed assessment of carbon footprint at 20,719.7 tCO2e. Plan in place to reduce emissions intensity by 20% by 2025
Our ESG governance structure has strong cross-functional representation, with oversight by the CSR Committee of the Board of Directors. As one of the largest private sector employers in India, driving responsible labour practices holds utmost importance for us. With industry-leading business processes and a robust culture on Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Whistleblowing, Human Rights, Health and Safety, Customer Service, and Equal Employability, we pride ourselves in upholding these practices.
  • Robust code of conduct: Nil whistleblower complaints filed during the year
  • Quality and Information Security: Omnisoft Systems is ISO 37001: 2016, ISO 27001: 2013, and ISO 9001: 2015 certified
  • Data Privacy and Cyber Security: Cyber Security Council with c-suite level oversight
  • ESG evolution: Considered specific ESG targets to drive and implement our ESG strategy